Thermal Images - Electrical Switchboard Scanning
To give you an idea of the sorts of things which could be identified by thermal scanning, the following are a selection of images provided to various clients over time.
How Often Should the Electrical Switchboard be Scanned?
Ideally, you should have InfraScan perform thermal imaging on your electrical switchboard every few months. This will help identify problems when they are still in their infancy so you can perform remedial work and keep things running smoothly. Without this kind of regular preventive maintenance, the electrical system can fail, leading to major disruptions to your business and costly repairs.
The great thing about thermal scanning/imaging is that it is completely non-invasive. That means you can have us in to perform a scan while your facility is running at full capacity. We won’t interfere with your processes and the information you get will be based on real-world usage so you can be confident in its accuracy.
The great thing about thermal scanning/imaging is that it is completely non-invasive. That means you can have us in to perform a scan while your facility is running at full capacity. We won’t interfere with your processes and the information you get will be based on real-world usage so you can be confident in its accuracy.
Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
Termination Fault; Load Side; AΦ.
Termination Fault; Line Side; AΦ.
Miniature Circuit Breaker
Termination Fault; Load Side; CΦ.
Fuse Link and Base ('Fuse Terminal')
Loose Fuse Link or Termination Fault; Line Side; AΦ.
Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
Termination Fault; Load Side; BΦ.
What do thermal images reveal?
Thermal scanning is used to diagnose a variety of potential problems with the various components of your electrical system. A professional thermal scan is capable of revealing:
Thermal scanning is used to diagnose a variety of potential problems with the various components of your electrical system. A professional thermal scan is capable of revealing:
Thermal scanning is used to diagnose a variety of potential problems with the various components of your electrical system. A professional thermal scan is capable of revealing:
- Faulty equipment
- Loose connections
- Overloads in the system
- Unbalanced or overloaded circuits
- Transformer problems
- Conductor problems
- Troublesome fuses
- Damaged components
- Improperly installed components
- And much more…
Benefits of Thermal Scanning
Thermal imaging provides important information on the performance of various components of your electrical system and can also diagnose potential problems with your equipment. But the benefits don’t stop there. Thermal scanning can also:
- Help you improve workplace productivity
- Enhance fire safety in your facility
- Minimise the possibility of catastrophic equipment failures
- Help you meet your insurance obligations
- Reduce the chance of workplace accidents
- Enhance overall system performance
- Help you save money on electric bills
Schedule Thermal Imaging with InfraScan
InfraScan provide thermal scanning of electrical switchboards that help businesses maintain a safe environment and save money. Once we have finished our imaging scan we will provide you with a comprehensive report on the state of your electrical switchboards that you can use to schedule any needed maintenance or repairs before things devolve into catastrophic failures.
To learn more or to schedule thermal imaging for your facility get in touch with the team at InfraScan today. Reaching us is easy. Either fill out the form on our ‘contact’ page, or give us a call during normal business hours on 1300-4-A-SCAN.
To learn more or to schedule thermal imaging for your facility get in touch with the team at InfraScan today. Reaching us is easy. Either fill out the form on our ‘contact’ page, or give us a call during normal business hours on 1300-4-A-SCAN.