What are the Alternatives to Thermal Scanning?
By far, the most popular and widely used application of infrared thermography is electrical switchgear testing. No other commercial application has achieved the level of interest than that of electrical infrared thermography. Electrical infrared is now an integral part of any facility manager's preventative/predictive maintenance program.
Historical Method
Historically, a qualified electrician physically tightened every electrical contact point within a given plant. The labour results are uneconomical, the results inaccurate and longer downtimes result.
A Do Nothing Approach
A second view is to allow the equipment to fail. This 'seat of my pants' approach is dangerous, and lengthy downtimes result. Duty of care, OH&S policy and litigation dictate this is inadequate. Either of the above could eventuate in:
- Faults not being identified
- Fire
- Higher costs in lost equipment
- Staff injury
- Downtime of plant, loss of production or rental
- Litigation
- Unfavourable press coverage